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During an outbreak of a new infectious disease such as COVID-19, it can be difficult to process what is happening. For me, there have been several resources and particularly great works of journalism that have helped me to understand the outbreak. I'll be compiling them here for easy reference.  




Authoritative Reports:

WHO COVID-19 response page 


Imperial College London (Reports)




Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now - After reading this on March 12, I decided to suspend Kimmey Lab research. Incredible summary of what we know so far (written 3/10) 


Visual explanation of how outbreaks spread, and why social distancing works 


Don't be patient 31


Why COVID-19 is not the same as flu


A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air




Raw Data Trackers:

John's Hopkins Case Tracker


Our World in Data 


NextStrain - genetic mapping of virus sequence and evolution 


Vaccine Tracker

LOGO_Breath Wave -teal.png
UC Santa Cruz Logo - Primary - Blue RGB.

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